PAM Awards 2025


PAM Award is Malaysia’s highest recognition for architectural excellence and the most recognised honour for Architects, Clients/Owners and Builders/Contractors.


The annual PAM Awards is the premier award for architecture in Malaysia where it recognizes the contribution made by architects in terms of design quality and that of the built environment. It is liken to the Academy Awards of the film industry and in this respect, awards are bestowed on the best works which are recognised by peers and public alike in the architectural industry.

In recognizing that the PAM Awards needed to move forward to greater heights and better public recognition, certain set standards and benchmarks were required for more demanding future award programs, Hence, the format of the Aga Khan Award model was adopted with the introduction of the five juror system, both locally and internationally selected and headed by the convenor of the award team, There are also technical reviewers who will answer any pertinent queries required by the jurors.

Reflecting on the awards given out since the 1990s, and with the recent new format of the PAM Awards since year 2000, the standard and detail design of the awarded projects have shown significant improvement in maturity and thought in the overall concept of the built environment; as can be attested by some of the more prominent designs that lined the Klang Valley skyline. For instance, the prominent and captivating cool blue iconic structure of the Telekom Tower and the serene beauty of the Securities Commission building created by the well-known firm of Hijjas Kasturi Associates and the ever present Mesiniaga IBM Tower design by the firm of TR Hamzah and Yeang which won the accolades of the Aga Khan award in the late '90s.

On the residential and commercial front, there have been many well-known firms like CSL Associates and GDP Architects Sdn Bhd, which created significant architectural identities for themselves. Undoubtedly, there are many more individuals and firms that have created many architecturally significant works and are just waiting in the wings to be recognized. In a way, there is no better platform for being judged by your very own peers than the PAM Awards for architectural excellence.

In the good design stake, the role of the client cannot be disregarded as they also play an important and prominent role. A well-crafted building is not the sole responsibility of the architect, but also requires the understanding and support of the paymaster be it from the private or the public sector. It is important that fully-educated and conversant private and government bodies or individuals help raise awareness to the general standard of design, thinking, criteria and philosophy which turn raises the general public perception of what good design and architecture is all about.


To recognise PAM Corporate/Fellow Member Architects, Clients/Owners and Builders/Contractors for their pursuits in Architectural design excellence and advancement of quality built environment.

To promote Malaysian Architecture and PAM Corporate/Fellow Member Architects to the Malaysian public and internationally.

To record the architecture achievements of Malaysia.

The Entry to be made by a current PAM Corporate/Fellow Member who is:

  1. the Principal Submitting Person and author of the design
  2. registered with Lembaga Arkitek Malaysia (LAM)
  3. in the case of Collaboration and Overseas Categories, see 3.5 & 3.6

The Architectural Practice (whether sole proprietorship, partnership, body corporate or MDP) which the PAM Corporate Member submits the entry under must also be registered with Lembaga Arkitek Malaysia (LAM). 

As this award is to recognize the work of PAM Corporate Member Architects, projects which are authored, designed or undertaken by unregistered person(s) or companies (or as defined by LAM as ‘illegal practices’) are not eligible to be entered, even if there has been a Principal Submitting Person who meets the eligibility of 3.1 but has only merely ‘submitted’ the project. Should such entry be submitted and won a PAM Award and is later be found to be the case, PAM reserves the right to revoke the award and publicise the revocation.

The entry must be completed with Certificate of Fitness for Occupation, or Certification of Completion and Compliance, or any equivalent evidence of statutory completion by the closing date of nomination, and not having been submitted more than three (3) times for the same category.

Special Eligibility Clause for Collaboration Category:

  • For projects in Malaysia with collaboration between design and submitting partners, this type of entry is only eligible to be entered for Collaboration Category
  • If both collaborators are local, the design and submitting partners must be current PAM Corporate/Fellow Members and they/their practices must both be registered with Lembaga Arkitek Malaysia (LAM)
  • If the designer is a foreign architect, the foreign design partner/practice must be legally registered with their relevant regulatory Board of their respective country. 
  • Both Collaborators must consent to submit the entry and declare as such in the prescribed Entry Form.

Special Eligibility Clause For Overseas Category:

  • For projects outside Malaysia undertaken by a current PAM Corporate/Fellow Member
  • The Corporate/Fellow Member has to be the author of the design but need not be the Submitting Person

Past entries may be re-nominated provided they have not won any previous PAM Awards including PAM Award - Gold, PAM Award - Silver and PAM Award – Commendation, subject to projects having been completed not more than 3 years after obtaining the Certificate of Fitness for Occupation, or Certification of Completion and Compliance or any equivalent evidence of statutory completion.

The entries are accepted on the agreement by the Entrants that the Principals of the Entrants will participate in related PAM Awards events including media interviews, exhibitions, and presentations, Award ceremonies, as required by the Convener or the Chair of the Awards Committee. Failure by the Principals to participate in these events may be grounds for disqualification or revocation of the entries. 

The Master Jury shall have the sole and final decision in the acceptance or disqualification of any entry.


The Award shall be conducted in five (5) stages as follows:
Stage 1


by Entrants
Stage 2


by Entrants
Stage 3


by Jurors
Stage 4

Technical Review

by Technical Reviewer
Stage 5

Final Judging

by Jurors

Key Dates

Project Name
Submitted On
Dec 27, 2024
Feb 7, 2025
Calling for nomination
Dec 27, 2024
Feb 7, 2025
Calling for nomination
Feb 7, 2025
Closing date for nomination
Feb 7, 2025
Closing date for nomination
Feb 10, 2025
Vetting through session
Feb 10, 2025
Vetting through session
Feb 18, 2025
Feb 20, 2025
Send the nominations for the additional document required.
Feb 18, 2025
Feb 20, 2025
Send the nominations for the additional document required.
Feb 18, 2025
Mar 17, 2025
Calling for submission of entries
Feb 18, 2025
Mar 17, 2025
Calling for submission of entries
Mar 17, 2025
Closing date for submission of entries
Mar 17, 2025
Closing date for submission of entries
Mar 24, 2025
1st Judging
Mar 24, 2025
1st Judging
Apr 7, 2025
Technical Review start
Apr 7, 2025
Technical Review start
Apr 25, 2025
Closing date for submission of Technical Review report
Apr 25, 2025
Closing date for submission of Technical Review report
Apr 30, 2025
Final Judging @ PAM
Apr 30, 2025
Final Judging @ PAM
May 21, 2025
Awards Ceremony
May 21, 2025
Awards Ceremony


Entries may be submitted for the following categories:
(Not all categories will be open for nomination every year) / (Certain categories are available on selected years)

Single Residential

Individually designed landed residences

Single Residential

Individually designed landed residences

Multiple Residential (Low Rise)

Repetitive residential development with terraced, clustered, semi- detached, detached residences, etc. designed for a single client, or multi-storey projects not exceeding five(5) storey including student hostels, factory housing, etc.

Multiple Residential (Low Rise)

Repetitive residential development with terraced, clustered, semi- detached, detached residences, etc. designed for a single client, or multi-storey projects not exceeding five(5) storey including student hostels, factory housing, etc.

Multiple Residential (High Rise)

Multi-storey residential projects exceeding five (5) storey high including hostels and serviced apartments.

Multiple Residential (High Rise)

Multi-storey residential projects exceeding five (5) storey high including hostels and serviced apartments.

Public and Institutional

Projects designed for public and institutional purposes; e.g. community halls, cultural centres, law courts, medical and social service facilities, offices, etc.

Public and Institutional

Projects designed for public and institutional purposes; e.g. community halls, cultural centres, law courts, medical and social service facilities, offices, etc.

Alteration & Addition

Refurbishment of existing buildings with not less than one third of the original structures retained

Alteration & Addition

Refurbishment of existing buildings with not less than one third of the original structures retained


Restoration of historic buildings, structures or sites with limited alterations and/or addition.


Restoration of historic buildings, structures or sites with limited alterations and/or addition.


Apply only for Projects outside Malaysia undertaken by LAM registered Architectural firms practicing in Malaysia and currently registered as PAM Corporate Member


Apply only for Projects outside Malaysia undertaken by LAM registered Architectural firms practicing in Malaysia and currently registered as PAM Corporate Member

Commercial (Low Rise)

Projects primarily for commercial or retail uses, or office buildings for owner/client occupation or by others, multi-storey projects not exceeding five (5) storey.

Commercial (Low Rise)

Projects primarily for commercial or retail uses, or office buildings for owner/client occupation or by others, multi-storey projects not exceeding five (5) storey.

Commercial (High Rise)

Projects primarily for commercial or retail uses, or office buildings for owner/client occupation by the others, exceeding five(5) storey high

Commercial (High Rise)

Projects primarily for commercial or retail uses, or office buildings for owner/client occupation by the others, exceeding five(5) storey high


Purpose-built projects primarily for showroom purposes including product centres and property show units.


Purpose-built projects primarily for showroom purposes including product centres and property show units.

Sports and Recreation

Projects for sports and recreation purposes including stadium, sports centre, recreation clubs, entertainment centres, etc.

Sports and Recreation

Projects for sports and recreation purposes including stadium, sports centre, recreation clubs, entertainment centres, etc.


Open to all building types. Projects in Malaysia undertaken by two or more partnering organizations, where both local submitting architects and/or foreign design architects must be legally registered with the relevant regulatory Board & Institute of their respective country. Local submitting architects have to be involved in the implementation of the projects. All collaboration should be solely judged under this category. It cannot be categorized under different categories.


Open to all building types. Projects in Malaysia undertaken by two or more partnering organizations, where both local submitting architects and/or foreign design architects must be legally registered with the relevant regulatory Board & Institute of their respective country. Local submitting architects have to be involved in the implementation of the projects. All collaboration should be solely judged under this category. It cannot be categorized under different categories.

Planning & Master Planning

Townships, neighbourhood and other projects completed from a masterplan.

Planning & Master Planning

Townships, neighbourhood and other projects completed from a masterplan.


Stand-alone hotels or resorts or any other hospitality-related projects.


Stand-alone hotels or resorts or any other hospitality-related projects.

Building of the Year

This award will be given to acknowledge the outstanding excellence in architecture for the completed project in Malaysia for the year of the PAM Award. The winner will be selected from the Gold Winner of each category above (excluding Interior Design, Special Category and Planning & Master Planning). There will be only one winner for this award.

Building of the Year

This award will be given to acknowledge the outstanding excellence in architecture for the completed project in Malaysia for the year of the PAM Award. The winner will be selected from the Gold Winner of each category above (excluding Interior Design, Special Category and Planning & Master Planning). There will be only one winner for this award.

Green Building Category

Projects that focused on creativity and innovation in sustainable building design, assessing projects based on their unique and eco-friendly solutions. Key criteria include seamless integration of design and functionality, usage of innovative materials, energy-efficient systems, and water conservation technologies. Additional considerations include creative site planning, waste management strategies, and efforts to minimize carbon footprint. Projects should showcase adaptability, future proofing, and effective application of advanced technology. Must be GBI rated building.

Green Building Category

Projects that focused on creativity and innovation in sustainable building design, assessing projects based on their unique and eco-friendly solutions. Key criteria include seamless integration of design and functionality, usage of innovative materials, energy-efficient systems, and water conservation technologies. Additional considerations include creative site planning, waste management strategies, and efforts to minimize carbon footprint. Projects should showcase adaptability, future proofing, and effective application of advanced technology. Must be GBI rated building.


Projects for educational uses including kindergarten, schools, colleges, universities, training centres etc.


Projects for educational uses including kindergarten, schools, colleges, universities, training centres etc.


Projects Primarily for industrial production purposes, and other related activities, including warehouses, factories, petrol stations and laboratories.


Projects Primarily for industrial production purposes, and other related activities, including warehouses, factories, petrol stations and laboratories.

Adaptive Re-use

Conversion of historic buildings, structures or sites for new purposes.

Adaptive Re-use

Conversion of historic buildings, structures or sites for new purposes.

Interior Design

Interior Design projects for a new building, or refurbishment of an existing building undertaken by a current PAM Corporate Member and also must be registered as an Interior Designer with LAM

Interior Design

Interior Design projects for a new building, or refurbishment of an existing building undertaken by a current PAM Corporate Member and also must be registered as an Interior Designer with LAM

Commercial (Mixed Development)

Projects consisting of 2 or more components such as Shopping Malls, retails, office residential, SOHO, hotels or resorts.

Commercial (Mixed Development)

Projects consisting of 2 or more components such as Shopping Malls, retails, office residential, SOHO, hotels or resorts.

Special Category

Non-building projects of a civic or public nature which have enhanced the quality of the built environment for the general community. These projects may not be buildings themselves, but must have an elements of urban design, be built work and may consist of courtyards, spaces between other buildings, plazas, fountains, small projects, landscape, and engineering works. Etc.

Special Category

Non-building projects of a civic or public nature which have enhanced the quality of the built environment for the general community. These projects may not be buildings themselves, but must have an elements of urban design, be built work and may consist of courtyards, spaces between other buildings, plazas, fountains, small projects, landscape, and engineering works. Etc.


The Master Jury may decide to award a prize to more than one entry, or not to award any prize in a category.

The Master Jury may also award a special prize for any deserving entry.

Subject to the Master Jury findings, PAM will consider a special award “Building of the Year” to be given to a deserving winner. This will be selected from the Gold Winners of the PAM Award for that year.

The prizes will be presented at a special ceremony, or in conjunction with a PAM event.

Duplicate copies of PAM Award Certificates may be issued upon request at the cost of RM1,000/certificate. No duplicates of Trophy will be given.

PAM Award - Gold

  • One Trophy + One Certificate to Architect/Entrant
  • One Certificate to Client/Owner
  • One Certificate to Builder/Contractor

PAM Award - Silver

  • One Trophy + One Certificate to Architect/Entrant
  • One Certificate to Client/Owner
  • One Certificate to Builder/Contractor

PAM Award - Commendation

  • One Certificate to Architect/Entrant
  • One Certificate to Client/Owner
  • One Certificate to Builder/Contractor

How to Enter

Discover all the steps to be taken to be in the running for PAM Awards 2024

Learn more

Eligibility Guidelines

Learn how to comply with all the eligibility requirements needed

Learn more
PAM Awards 2025
PAM Awards 2025
Submissions Closed on 17 Mar 2025
Submissions Closed on 17 Mar 2025